Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Secret [Buena Vista, CO]
A secret is being whispered to me, to my spirit. My spirit, however, seems hard of hearing. I am overwhelmed.

I feel as if I am a deer at a standstill staring into the glaring headlights of an oncoming car.

Perhaps, the headlights into which I stare, causing my immobilization, is the unexpected large bequest I recently received from a stranger and its incumbent obligation to use it well.

Standing still staring is a dangerous place to be, for that which immobilizes quickly descends upon its prey with destruction.

So, I know not what to do, which way to turn. Am I to leap out of the path of the destruction at the very last second, caring not so much about where I land, but instead, simply avoiding destruction?

Or, am I to leap into whatever/wherever and go from there, seeking God's corrective guidance along the way.

Am I immobilized by the bright lights of possible success or the darkness of fear of failure?

"The experience of trying and failing is the way to learn
to discard self-centered programs for happiness and to
surrender to the movement of transformation."
The Mystery of Christ; Fr. Thomas Keating


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