Wednesday, March 21, 2007

NOT FRANK! [Westcliff, CO]

My calm has been shattered.
I have been caught unawares, stabbed with a dagger of terrible news.

I scream a scream that cannot be heard.
I cry tears that no one can see.

Oh, it hurts so bad.
My heart bleeds no blood that should flow,
thoughts circling my wounded mind in ever more painful spirals of agony.

It is dark now. Suddenly there is no light. Nothing remains of importance.
All is void, and I cannot express my pain.


He is so good. He is your son.
He is a devoted husband, loved dearly by Val, your gift to him.
He is a father of fathers to three sons to whom he is a brother.

A Secret [Buena Vista, CO]
A secret is being whispered to me, to my spirit. My spirit, however, seems hard of hearing. I am overwhelmed.

I feel as if I am a deer at a standstill staring into the glaring headlights of an oncoming car.

Perhaps, the headlights into which I stare, causing my immobilization, is the unexpected large bequest I recently received from a stranger and its incumbent obligation to use it well.

Standing still staring is a dangerous place to be, for that which immobilizes quickly descends upon its prey with destruction.

So, I know not what to do, which way to turn. Am I to leap out of the path of the destruction at the very last second, caring not so much about where I land, but instead, simply avoiding destruction?

Or, am I to leap into whatever/wherever and go from there, seeking God's corrective guidance along the way.

Am I immobilized by the bright lights of possible success or the darkness of fear of failure?

"The experience of trying and failing is the way to learn
to discard self-centered programs for happiness and to
surrender to the movement of transformation."
The Mystery of Christ; Fr. Thomas Keating